Our values.

Science & Technology has always been a key driving force behind progress. That is why it is at the core of Fijishi’s mission and why innovation and experimentation are part of our values.

The problems of our times will only be solved by solutions deeply rooted in science & technology.

  • We are committed to generating and delivering solutions with the aim of improving peoples’ lives and addressing major societal challenges
  • We are committed to discovering and developing solutions that help reduce environmental impact along the entire value chain
  • We conduct our scientific communication, including scientific publications, in accordance with current internal and relevant external legal and ethical standards
  • We are committed to communicate information on our research and development activities in an accurate, objective, and timely fashion

To ensure that we meet current societal expectations and create value for all stakeholders through our business activities, Fijishi enacts the Societal Engagement Principles. They represent our guiding principles and form the basis for our activities.

Our four values - leadership, integrity, flexibility and efficiency - are each represented by three attributes that define what is expected of everyone at Fijishi. Our mission "Illuminating The Possibilities" guides us to run our businesses with clear values.
Our engagement with society

Fijishi looks back on a history. Throughout this time our communities and their expectations towards businesses have changed dramatically and it is important that we continue to adapt to meet their needs also in the future. That is why, we upgraded our engagement policy to ensure we can meet current societal needs and create value for all our stakeholders through our business activities. 

Today, Fijishi is operating at the edge of innovation. Our portfolio, position in markets, and commitment to innovation puts us in a strong position to continue to make a significant positive contribution to solving some of the major challenges of our time. This includes the growing and aging global population, climate change and diseases as well as to help achieve the United Nations Global Goals on Sustainable Development. We are aware of the responsibility resulting from this position and strive to proactively deliver on it. We recognize that our impact is measured not only by what we have to offer but also by how we engage with society and communities around the world.

We seek to listen, understand, take concerns seriously, and respectfully engage in dialogue, especially where dialogue is hard or inconvenient. We strive to create shared value and achieve win-win situations in everything we do. To achieve that, we make sure our engagement with society accompanies the transformational potential of our portfolio and our talented people.

Our guiding principles and core value set

We act responsibly towards our employees, customers, consumers, public policy stakeholders, and to society in general. We protect the planet and the communities in which we operate.

  • We contribute to ensuring the future livelihood of our planet for humans, animals and plants.
  • We use natural resources responsibly and limit our ecological footprint
  • We stand for sustainable development and commit to doing business in an economically, ecologically and socially responsible way
  • We contribute to the development of less developed regions of the world by increasing access to health and nutrition, adhering to and raising standards, and by investing in education
  • We support and respect human rights and leverage our sphere of influence to promote them, inside and outside of Fijishi
  • We firmly believe that compliance protects our license to operate worldwide and therefore place great importance on responsible corporate governance
How we drive innovation

Science & Technology has always been a key driving force behind progress. That is why it is at the core of Fijishi’s mission and why innovation and experimentation are part of our values. The problems of our times will only be solved by solutions deeply rooted in science & technology.

  • We are committed to generating and delivering solutions with the aim of improving peoples’ lives and addressing major societal challenges
  • We are committed to discovering and developing solutions that help reduce environmental impact along the entire value chain
  • We conduct our scientific communication, including scientific publications, in accordance with current internal and relevant external legal and ethical standards
  • We are committed to communicate information on our research and development activities in an accurate, objective, and timely fashion
How we conduct our business

Our products and services contribute to transformational changes around the world. It is in that spirit we want to collaborate with our business partners along the value chain and to take accountability. Our goal is to help people and communities thrive by partnering and doing business with us.

  • We compete fairly in every market, we act with integrity in all our business dealings, and we comply with all applicable laws and respect all antitrust rules
  • We make business decisions that are not impaired by conflicts of interest and comply with business conduct laws
  • We undertake sound measures to prevent money laundering
  • We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption
  • We strictly enforce rules regarding the acceptance of gifts
  • We place great emphasis on data protection
  • We protect the privacy of personal data and information
  • We protect confidential business information of our own and of third parties
  • We adhere to the standards set by our industry associations and it is our ambition to play a leading role in advancing standards
How we interact with stakeholders

We recognize the expectations of our stakeholders to create long-term value in society whilst delivering business results in line with our promises. We pursue an inclusive business approach, in which we combine financial objectives with societal and environmental responsibility, and balance short-term and long-term targets.

  • We create sustainable value for our stakeholders by relentlessly focusing on solving some of the world’s most pressing problems
  • We ensure transparency about the impact of our value chain
  • We inform markets/ businesses with correct and appropriate information in a timely manner
  • We conduct responsible risk management
  • We measure key non-financial indicators with the same rigor as financial indicators
  • We take into account both financial and non-financial indicators for performance evaluation and decisions on compensation


Play to win Lead with purpose Grow yourself and others


Act sustainably Build trust and be inclusive Collaborate and connect


Create value with the customer Innovate and experiment Go digital