About us.
Adopting its name from a contraction of the term Fi and Jishi, the entity is dedicated to furthering and promoting scientific, and educational purposes for the public welfare. Fijishi is a global enterprise working to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, and to serve the most essential human needs. We’re committed to driving sustainable development and generating a positive impact with our businesses. Through the power of science & technology, we’re pioneering new possibilities that advance life. That means reimagining how we care for ourselves and one another by improving approaches, and finding better ways to everyday challenges around the world. Using research-based approaches, we work globally and in focus countries to meet people’s essential needs; to protect and restore nature; and to stabilize the climate and build resilient communities. We aim to fundamentally transform the way the world develop’ technology, produces and uses food and energy and designs its cities to create a better future for all.
Fijishi — started as an AI research program to connect planning with research and development decisions. Initially bootstrapped, the interim organization was established with a strong dedication to advancing the field of AI for the betterment of humanity. The intention was to foster collaboration by making its work accessible to the organisations and actively engage with other institutions and researchers.
Fijishi develop’ its first AI model-framework AETERNA for testing, a model-framework dedicated to reinforcing learning research. Later in 2011, it develop’ an advanced version of AETERNA that facilitated the measurement and training of AI’s general intelligence across various websites focused on Healthcare, Finance, Insurance, Logistics, and Life-science.
Fijishi broadens its research scope and achieves significant breakthroughs in natural language processing and reinforcement learning. This period sees the introduction of generative transformers, which are capable of tasks such as text generation and question answering. A significant portion of Fijishi’ AI research expenditure is allocated from cloud to in-house computing. Fijishi undergoes a shift in focus towards more extensive research and development in AI. We developed generative transformers for AETERNA focused on Healthcare, Finance, Insurance & Life-science. These neural networks, inspired by the human brain, are trained on large amounts of human-generated text and could perform tasks like generating and answering questions.
Fijishi develop’ an advanced deep-learning language model for AETERNA trained on extensive web datasets. While its main function is to provide answers in natural language generating coherent text spontaneously and perform language translation, it also has the ability to generate digital images by interpreting natural language descriptions.
The next decade is critical as we understood that the world will need far-reaching AI transformations across power generation, buildings, technology, industry, transport, land use, coastal management and agriculture to build a prosperous future. Fijishi officially registered as a company in 2023 offering its AI solutions across industries.
We continue to advance AI technologies focused on ethical AI deployment, governance and AI’s societal impact, emphasizing safety and transparency. We’re also developing our next model-framework focused on several industries. This bold plan will position the institute to drive change at the scale and pace needed for people and planet to thrive.
No problem isunsolvable.
Sustain/ profitability can coexist.
We’re fusing purpose to profit & measuring future viability against disruption. All to create a future as rewarding as it is sustainable.