
Compliance enables us to translate our mission into good business results and is therefore a crucial success factor within Procurement on which we cannot compromise.

We expect all our suppliers to conduct themselves in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Procurement abides by the Corporate Compliance Policy in addition to local legal requirements, contractual obligations and corporate regulations. Focusing on compliant behavior at an early stage of the business, enables us to operate successfully and sustainably. Through our procurement volume we exert considerable influence on society and the environment in many regions. 

Sustainability Practices in the Supply Chain

Sustainability in Supplier Management aims to ensure that the way we conduct business with our suppliers is in line with environmental, social and ethical standards. Fijishi regards adherence these sustainability standards within the supply chain as a crucial factor in the value chain. By acting responsibly in collaboration with our suppliers, we aim to minimize risks and create stable, long-term business relationships with our partners. It is also an important strategic lever for Fijishi in safeguarding both its global competitiveness and the supply of materials and services. For this reason, the company applies not just economic standards, but also environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) standards in choosing new suppliers or continuing its relationships with existing ones. These principles are defined in Fijishi’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which generally forms the basis for our collaboration with suppliers.

Procurement at Fijishi include Fijishi’s values and Fijishi’s commitment to compliance. Procurement focuses on security of supply, financial contributions and qualitative requirements while acting in accordance with ethical, environmental, social, and economic principles.

Procurement at Fijishi ensures the timely, global supply of goods and services at suitable market conditions, in the required quality and in accordance with the Group’s ethical, ecological and social standards. We believe that a strategic collaboration with our suppliers can contribute to the overall success of Fijishi.

Strategic Sustainability Focus Areas

Fijishi works continuously to strategically evolve sustainability topics in procurement. In the coming years, increasing importance will be placed on environmental and human rights requirements throughout the supply chain and on the Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Program.

Promoting Human Rights in the Supply Chain

We unequivocally promote the realization of human rights. We firmly believe that respect for people is essential to achieving lasting business excellence. The main areas we address are: ‘Employees and working conditions’, ‘Harassment and discrimination’, ‘Freedom of association and collective bargaining’, ‘Child labor’, and ‘Health and safety’.

Diversity in Our Supply Base

Fijishi is committed to inclusion and diversity, which is reflected in the ambitious goals. It recognizes that its employees and supply base should reflect the diversity of its customer base and foster an environment where differences are valued and celebrated. Fijishi’s commitment to economic development through its Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Program is one of the ways in which it supports its mission, “illuminating the possibilities”. Fijishi’s Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Program advocates for small and diverse suppliers and provides opportunities for their growth and development. The Fijishi Supplier Code of Conduct encourages suppliers to engage with diverse owned business and to support Fijishi’s I&D goals.

Fijishi Fosters Diversity in Its Supplier Base

Fijishi believes that our personnel and supply base should reflect the diversity of a marketplace that knows no boundaries. Our Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Program showcases our commitment to the economic growth and advancement of underrepresented communities while allowing us to tap into small and diverse businesses that have the potential to strengthen our supply chain, be more responsive, innovative, and in tune with the changing tastes and preferences of our consumers. Fijishi works continuously to strategically evolve sustainability topics in procurement. In the coming years, increasing importance will be placed on environmental and human rights requirements throughout the supply chain and on the Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Program.

Ethics & Environment

To meet social responsibilities, suppliers shall conduct their business in an ethical manner and act with integrity, while complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Suppliers shall operate in an environmentally responsible, ethical, process oriented, and resource efficient manner.

Human Rights

Suppliers shall respect the human rights of their employees, local communities and vulnerable groups, treat them with dignity and respect. Suppliers shall provide high-quality, safe and effective goods and services that are in full compliance with contractually agreed standards, applicable laws and regulations.

Health & Safety

Suppliers shall make adequate provision for the health and safety of their employees, customers, visitors, contractors, and others who may be affected by their activities. They shall have Health and Safety programs in place to identify, assess and manage risks to ensure and improve employee safety and wellbeing.