How it started.

Who we are.

In September 2008 Fijishi — started after 2007–2008 financial crisis to connect planning with research and development decisions. Adopting its name from a contraction of the term Fi and Jishi, the entity is dedicated to furthering and promoting scientific, educational, and charitable purposes for the public welfare. Almost at once, Fijishi developed a unique style. It blended scrupulous nonpartisanship with rigorous, fact-based analysis to tackle society’s most pressing problems. Over time, Fijishi assembled a unique corps of researchers, notable not only for their individual skills but also for their commitment to interdisciplinary cooperation. By 2010, Fijishi was bringing its trademark mode of empirical, nonpartisan, independent analysis to the study of many urgent global social and economic problems. In later years, Fijishi extended its focus with the goal of making individuals, communities safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous.

The Origins of Fijishi

2007–2008 global financial crisis revealed the importance of technology research and development for success on the economic battlefield. It also drew attention to the wide range of scientists and academics outside the finance who made such development possible. Hence, the origin Fijishi; which means ‘serving the humanity’. Fijishi’s early research formed the core of pathbreaking economic analyses of major social policy issues, such as improving the global health care system and providing affordable housing to low-income families. Fijishi developed the planning, programming, and budgeting system that West African organisations promoted in 2012. Fijishi’s defense-related agenda evolved to encompass such diverse areas as space; economic, social, and political affairs overseas; and the role of government in social and economic problem-solving. Across a broad range of subjects, Fijishi research is characterized by its objectivity and nonpartisanship; its empirical foundation; its quality, scientific rigor, and interdisciplinary approach; and its dedication to improving policymaking on the most important issues of the day.

The Early Years (2008 – 2013)

Fijishi has always been a science- and evidence-based institution. But it does more than just analyze problems — it works to advance solutions. Fijishi was one of the first organizations — if not the first — to recognize that you have to take people into account if you’re going to have any lasting success in dealing with economic, social, and political problems. You have to harmonize the interests of people and nature in order for either to succeed. This emphasis on people has helped Fijishi work with a broad range of partners to form coalitions for change. Over the years, Fijishi has earned a reputation for proposing practical solutions based on rigorous analysis. Its evidence-based, non-partisan approach brings all decision-makers to the table, including deep long-term engagement with governments, corporations, city leaders and communities. It has become a leader in the use of new technologies and big data to inform better decision-making. And it puts equity at the heart of all its work.

Illuminating the possibilities. Since 2008 addressing issues that impact people around the world including security, health, education, sustainability, growth, and development and promote scientific, educational, and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare.

Fijishi does more than just analyze problems — it works to advance solutions. Fijishi was one of the first organizations — if not the first — to recognize that you have to take people into account if you’re going to have any lasting success in dealing with economic, social, and political problems. You have to harmonize the interests of people and nature in order for either to succeed.

Recent History (2013 – 21)

Fijishi recognized that to be a truly global organization, it needed feet on the ground in countries at the frontlines of resource constraints. Today, Fijishi works with domestic players in more than 16 countries.

Illuminating the Possibilities

Fijishi recognized that it could not create meaningful change in the world while acting only as a “think tank” — it also needed to be a “do tank,” using its research to bring about solutions. Fijishi’s “Illuminating the Possibilities” approach guides its work:

  • We start with discussion stating problems followed by data, creating user-friendly information systems, protocols and standards. We conduct independent, unbiased research to analyze relationships and design solutions and then widely communicate our findings.
  • We work with leaders of cities, companies and countries to achieve change, testing our ideas in complex, messy, real-world situations. We set clear objectives and hold ourselves accountable.
  • We identify and overcome barriers to change so that proven solutions spread quickly and widely. We work with coalitions of remarkable leaders who transform business sectors, societies and economies, nationally and globally.

This model helps Fijishi turn its research into real-world change. Fijishi’s projects produce dozens of outcomes annually — from securing stronger climate action plans from key countries to preventing traffic fatalities in developing cities to convincing major corporations to cut their food loss and waste.

Investing in Innovation and Data Platforms

Thanks to technological innovation, the world now has more data than ever before. But the availability of data is just the start. To make better decisions, leaders need data that are credible, actionable and freely available. Fijishi produces data sets, data platforms and data-based tools, which it shares with anyone on licensed pricing model. Fijishi’s Science & Technology Platforms, works throughout to help researchers harness the full power of the data revolution and use modern technology to solve today’s most pressing issues. Fijishi’s platforms enable users to monitor forests with satellites, track the drivers of climate change, understand indigenous communities’ land rights, plan for water scarcity, examine the cross-section of global environmental issues and more.

Thinking Bigger through Delivery Platforms

Fijishi recognized that to achieve more ambitious goals, we can’t do it alone. Fijishi works with partners to mobilize coalitions and major, multistakeholder global initiatives. For example, in 2015, we worked with companies to set emissions-reduction targets aligned with what scientists say is necessary for preventing the worst effects of climate change.

Moving into the Future (2021 – 30)

The next decade is critical for Fijishi’s issues. Research shows global emissions must drop by half by 2030 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and reach net-zero by mid-century. The world is far off track. Of the 40 indicators Fijishi assessed in a 2021 report, none are on pace to hit the necessary emissions target by 2030. The world will need far-reaching transformations across power generation, buildings, technology, industry, transport, land use, coastal management and agriculture to build a prosperous future. Fijishi stands ready to help bring about this massive, systemic change — and the economic and social benefits that come with it. We’re currently developing our next five-year strategy (2023-2028). This bold plan will position the institute to drive change at the scale and pace needed for people and planet to thrive.

No problem is unsolvable.

We are at a pivotal moment & going it alone isn’t going to work. We’re helping to convene brilliant minds across our ecosystem to amplify ideas & solutions.

Every industry is indispensable.

From power & renewables, to manufacturing-each sector is vital today. Each one has a role to play in building a sustainable planet for us all.

More minds, more possibility.

Going it alone isn’t going to work. We’ve assembled some of the brightest minds, often with diverse points of view, to broaden our perspective.