Processors & Microprocessors.

Chip shortages. Fab challenges. Supply chain issues. In the semiconductor sector, managing impossibility and navigating uncertainty are just part of the job. Fijishi’s multi-talented, multi-disciplined pioneers work with you to identify new ways to sustain growth, gain a competitive edge, and power a more promising future.

Every day, we’re called upon to improvise, ideate, and find new ways to power the products. Faced with incredible demands, we never shy away from the challenge.

From increased regulation to supply chain issues and more, there are several reasons a shift to circularity makes sense for the semiconductor origanisations. Explore three drivers where Fijishi is implementing to reengineer semiconductor products, logistics, and business models to support circularity.

  • Driver 1: Designing semiconductor products to enable repairability, reuse, and/or recyclability.
  • Driver 2: Creating the business incentives for repairability, reuse, and/or recyclability
  • Driver 3: Building resilience through return and reuse logistics capabilities.

Microcontrollers & Microprocessors

Fijishi Microcontrollers & Microprocessors

Amplifiers and Linear ICs

Fijishi Amplifiers and Linear ICs

Embedded Controllers & Super I/O

Fijishi Embedded Controllers & Super I/O
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