Biodiversity & Land Use.

We offer farmers a comprehensive and diverse portfolio, from crop protection — fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and seed treatments that protect against weeds, disease, and insects — to seeds. Fijishi creates connections across the global food system to help the world thrive. We link farmers to markets, customers with sustainable nutrition solutions, and nourish the world.

Protecting and preserving the source of our food and helping our agricultural communities, Fijishi is committed to helping the world thrive.

We live up to our responsibility for climate protection. At Fijishi, we are developing new technologies to reduce CO2 emissions in the Agri-science industry. These include the electrically heated steam cracker furnace, CO2-free production of hydrogen and storage processes for CO2.

We are helping farmers achieve higher and better yields to feed the world’s growing population in a resource-efficient, sustainable manner making the best use of available arable land. Using Fijishi’ Digital farming is an approach to farming that uses digital technologies, such as sensors, drones, GPS mapping, and machine learning to optimize agricultural production. Fijishi’ Digital farming allows farmers to collect and analyze data on soil quality, crop health, weather patterns, and other variables in real-time, enabling them to make more informed decisions about planting, irrigation, fertilization, and pest and disease control. This data-driven approach helps farmers save time and money and makes more efficient use of crop inputs while measurably improving crop yield and quality. We work with farmers to effectively link digital innovation, digitally enabled products, and practical on-field solutions to create value for our customers and for the future of agriculture. 

Different geographical, climatic, and agricultural situations require innovative, tailored solutions. We have therefore developed profound know-how of the desirability and feasibility of integrating digital farming tools with strategic cropping systems, ensuring that our product development and approach to digital farming centers on addressing farmers’ needs and delivering increased value to them. This has enabled us to scale as efficiently as possible and help us in realizing our ambitious sustainability targets. Fijishi’ portfolio of new Agri-science technologies, including smart sprayers and drones equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), complement and enhance the benefits of advanced decision support systems (DSS). Our technologies represent its physical extension given they can monitor and intervene in the field with high precision.

How do we help clients?

DFP - For the Agri-Intelligence.

Best farming tools integrated in one platform, DFP is one-stop shop for maximizing in-field profits through data driven and technology enabled practices. Smart farming solutions built on agronomic expertise, new-age technology and passion to make farming more profitable, efficient, and sustainable. Simply said, DFP offers personalized, practical advice for better crop production.

Manage your fields like never before. From seeding, nutrition to crop protection and harvest, DFP is not just another tool providing you with data. It helps you decide “what to do”, “when to do it”, “where to do it” and with “how much”, at every job step throughout the season.


  • No more data-extensive and time-consuming work: DFP helps you create expert level variable seeding maps in less than a minute, recommending precisely what to sow, where to sow it and at what density.
  • Field-zone specific seeding for optimized inputs and higher yields: DFP helps you create expert level variable seeding maps in less than a minute, recommending precisely which variety to seed, in which zone, with the right density.
  • Variety recommendation: Select most appropriate crop varieties for any specific field.
  • High number of varieties for a specific region, there might be up to 100 varieties available.
  • Pest and Disease Pressure: Selecting resistant varieties for local pests and diseases using up-to date information.
  • Soil Conditions: Different seed varieties thrive in specific soil types.
  • Farmer Goals: Variety selection takes into consideration your goals of maximizing yield, reducing input costs, or practicing sustainable agriculture.
  • Market Demands: Some varieties may have higher market value or be in greater demand.
  • Performance: Assessing the historical performance of different varieties in the region so we can provide you with valuable insights.
  • Variable seeding maps: Create expert level variable seeding maps in less than a minute.
  • Automatic seeding rate in cotton: Increased yield 6,4% and higher ROI +48EUR/ha by fine-tuning seeding density between different zones. VRS always resulted in a better yield compared to fixed rate seeding.


Know more, do better. Then harvest more. Increase yield and save money by optimizing the distribution of fertilizers. DFP combines growth stage modelling, weather & satellite data, along with field history, to take your nutrient management to the next level.

  • Using fertilizer more efficiently: Increase yield and save money by optimizing the distribution of fertilizers. DFP combines growth stage modelling, weather & satellite data, along with field history, to take your nutrient management to the next level.
  • Variable rate fertilizer maps: Increase efficiency immediately. Apply right amount of fertilizer at the right place and prevent over-application by using site-specific maps.
  • Create fertilization maps for multiple fields in one go: Create field-zone specific application maps for N, P, K and others.
  • Include management zones in maps, e.g. buffer zones or flowering stripes: Merge two different maps, up to 7 layers, into a combined source map for variable applications. 
  • Adjust the maps at any time: Upload as applied maps for documentation and detailed analysis.
  • Nutrition planning tool: Upgrade your nutrient management. Keep track of the fertilizer applications, set limits to monitor, leverage satellite data and cultivation history to calculate recommended fertilization amounts.
  • Define your N, P and K crop demand for each field: Plan applications based on demand. Keep track of mineral and organic fertilizer use.
  • Receive notification when exceeding the set limit: Monitor total fertilizer use for all fields.


Right product and right dose, at the right place and time. Say goodbye to uncertainties, DFP helps you make better treatment decisions, telling you what, when, where to treat and with how much while enhancing precision, efficiency, sustainability and overall crop health.

  • Precise crop protection strategy: Say goodbye to uncertainties. DFP helps you make better treatment decisions, telling you what, when, where to treat and with how much, while enhancing efficiency, revenue and sustainability.
  • Application timing: Get optimal protection timing advice for each field. Maximize efficiency by identifying risks early and applying crop protection & growth regulator at the right time. Keep an overview of risks and growth stages for each of your fields.
  • Receive field-specific risk alerts & recommendations: Include your observations to enhance models and adjust recommendations.
  • Receive optimal product recommendations for a variety of crops: Easy management and documentation of applications. Available for a wide variety of diseases & crops, as well as insects in oilseed rape.
  • Variable rate application: The right product and dose at the right place. Variable rate applications optimize dose rates for each field zone. The maps can be based on satellite data, drone flights, or previous yield maps.
  • Use automatically generated variable rate maps for the fields: Benefit from field-zone specific dosing of herbicides, fungicides and growth regulators for optimal results.
  • Automatic integration of management zones including trial plots: Send and receive data wirelessly to and from the terminal via several connectivity options.


All you need in one place. Best farming tools integrated in one place, with DFP you receive, upload and analyze all field-zone specific information in one place: from weather forecasts to historical data, from current biomass to the condition of your soils.

  • Professional tools - at your fingertips: Receive, upload and analyze all field-zone specific information in one place: from weather forecasts to historical data, from current biomass to the condition of your soils.
  • Identify high & low performing field-zones based on current satellite data: Compare maps of different field at any time, including maps from previous years. Receive relative biomass maps every 3 days to visually compare differences in an individual field. Use biomass maps to make better-informed decisions for crop production.
  • Benefit from updated information on the success of field management activities: Identify issues in the fields early and prioritize your scouting activities. 
  • Historical yield potential maps: Assess the yield potential for each field zone based on 15 years of historic biomass data - Before Season: Use the historical biomass map to plan seeding and field preparations. In-Season: Utilize historic biomass data for fertilizer application.
  • Set-up field management zones for individual fields, permanently or season specific: Identify the right place for management zones using different information layers in the background
  • Historic & current biomass - Soil maps & Yield maps: Categorize them and manage them accordingly, Buffer & biodiversity zones, e.g. flowering stripes, Trial plots & Field obstacles - Upload or send the management zone maps to terminal for automatic on-field implementation
  • One place to monitor, compare and analyze field zone information all year long: Compare different maps to better understand field characteristics and agronomic potential.
  • Monitor crop performance during and across seasons: Optimize crop production by analyzing the results of different field management strategies.
  • Upload and visualize yield maps to analyze application performance and harvest: Upload and visualize soil maps from the fields to plan targeted actions.
  • Weather Pro - Detailed in season weather information: Receive hourly weather forecasts & gain access to historic weather data.
  • Know exactly when the best conditions are for field management activities: Compare in season rainfall & temperatures with averages of last 10 years.
Let one of our specialists point you in the right direction. Request data-sheet, brochure or enquire about pricing or specifications.

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