Assess your AI journey.


    1. Which statement best describes your company's current state of data repositories?
    A. We have data in many disconnected repositories, mostly on mainframe. We need guidance on how to pull everything together.B. We have data in several heavily virtualized repositories, on-premise and in cloud, so we can run a single query on multiple deployments.C. We have data in several largely isolated repositories with a mix of on-premise and cloud. We are working on pulling everything together.D. Most of our data resides on-premise, but we are ready to explore adding cloud capabilities that integrate easily with existing architecture.

    2. Do your users trust the integrity of the data?
    A. Yes — they are confident in their results.B. No — our users tend to download the data, creating shadow copies.C. We have silos of data, some more accurate than others.D. Somewhat — if they access our main data warehouse.

    3. Which statement best fits your company’s technology commitment to AI-native application development?
    A. We are committed to building new applications with ML and AI using open source components. Our data scientists work individually.B. Our collaborative development for ML and AI is operationalized for clear deployment and lifecycle management.C. We are committed to collaboratively building new applications with ML and AI, including model sharing and reuse.D. We are not building AI-native applications or only use packaged applications.

    4. Which statement best fits your company’s efforts in defining an AI strategy?
    A. We are executing on a mature AI strategy.B. We have ML models and would like to tune them for accuracy.C. We know what we'd like to achieve but haven't started executing.D. We have not yet formulated an AI strategy.

    5. Are you leveraging AI applications to gain insights into what’s happening in your business?
    A. No — we have not accomplished this.B. In progress — we analyze data manually.C. Yes — but we do not have a cohesive strategy.D. Yes — we are using AI applications within our organization.

    6. Which statement best describes your convergence of data and AI to a platform?
    A. We have started converging to a private cloud, but the process is not yet complete.B. We have entirely converged onto a single private or public cloud.C. We are in the early stages of converging to a public cloud.D. We have not consolidated our data and applications to a single platform on a public or private cloud.

    7. Which statement best describes your company's data strategy?
    A. We want to create a virtualized view across multiple data repositories for our data scientists.B. We have created, or plan to create, a single physical data lake that provides us a common view with comprehensive governance.C. We have data in many repositories in many physical locations. We want to get a single view with security controls and are still deciding how.D. We prefer strict isolation of data assets. We prefer to restrict access to data scientists, as security is primary, and we have no intent to increase access.

    8. Which statement best describes your company's cloud strategy?
    A. We have a single, public cloud vendor strategy.B. We have a hybrid strategy of multiple public clouds and an on-prem private cloud.C. We have a strategy of a single public cloud vendor and an on-prem private cloud.D. We have a strategy of multiple public cloud vendors.

    We champion the bold to achieve the extraordinary. Assess your AI journey by answering questions and put our thinking to work on your challenges.

    Next Gen AI is defining transformation technology of our time, which is why organizations must modernize their data estate to make it ready for an AI and multicloud world. Take this quick assessment to identify where you are in your technology journey, and what areas you need to focus on next to accelerate your journey to AI, Low Code, Robotic Process and Quantum Automation.